Business France Marketplace

Find great French-made products

 The one-stop shop for businesses to connect with French suppliers



France, leader in Local Fair Trade in Europe

France leads in local fair trade in Europe, showcasing initiatives like Ethiquable and Alter Eco at the 60th International Agriculture Show.

French legislation supports this with the 'Origine France' charter and fair trade laws, emphasizing sustainable agriculture and ethical business practices.

These efforts highlight France's commitment to environmental sustainability and support for small-scale farmers, positioning it as a pioneer in fair trade practices within Europe.


Shaping the Future of Franco-Gulf Business & Trade Relations

"Vision Golfe", organized by Business France, aims to boost Franco-Gulf trade relations, highlighting successes from its first edition and the upcoming plans for 2024.

The event emphasizes sustainable energy, artificial intelligence, and French innovation, facilitating over 1000 B2B interactions.

Here's a concise summary of the event's role in promoting international trade partnerships, serving as a key read for foreign buyers interested in Franco-Gulf business dynamics.


€70 BN in annual investment owing to France's decarbonization plan

France is aiming to become a leader in Europe’s green industry.
The French Ministry for the Economy and Finance unveiled a press release titled “Investing in France in Decarbonization Infrastructure”, marking a crucial step in France’s energy transition.

It has revealed an ambitious and unique action plan, outlining its view on the fight against climate change, as well as promoting energy independence.


Daqin HUANG, General Manager of Bilei International Trade - Shanghai

Luckily recommended by Business France's Shanghai office, the Business France Marketplace has proven to be a remarkably easy and efficient tool for finding excellence. Within a short period, we concluded an agreement with the renowned chestnut puree supplier, Concept Fruits - Roger Descours, in France. As an importer, we are continually on the lookout for the latest entrants on the Marketplace, eager to uncover more gems like this. We are excited about the future opportunities it will unveil and committed to exploring the vast potential it holds.

Luckily recommended by Business France's Shanghai office, the Business France Marketplace has proven to be a remarkably easy and efficient tool for finding excellence. Within a short period, we concluded an agreement with the renowned chestnut puree supplier, Concept Fruits - Roger Descours, in France. As an importer, we are continually on the lookout for the latest entrants on the Marketplace, eager to uncover more gems like this. We are excited about the future opportunities it will unveil and committed to exploring the vast potential it holds.

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Promoting French Trade and Investment: Business France leading the way


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